Emily N. Garbinsky

Emily N. Garbinsky

  • Associate Professor

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Interdisciplinary Theme

Faculty Expertise

  • Marketing
  • Behavioral Research
  • Decision Making


Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management

[email protected]

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Emily N. Garbinsky is an associate professor of marketing and behavioral scientist at Cornell SC Johnson College of Business. She earned a PhD in marketing from Stanford University's Graduate School of Business in 2015 and a BS from Carnegie Mellon University in 2010, double majoring in psychology and decision science. She joined the Cornell faculty in July 2021, where she teaches Marketing Management as well as Brand Management at the MBA level.

Prior to joining Cornell, Garbinsky was on the faculty as an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Notre Dame's Mendoza College of Business, where she taught Principles of Marketing at the undergraduate level as well as Consumer Behavior at the MBA level. While there, she earned the James Dincolo Outstanding Undergraduate Professor Award in 2018, as well as the Prochaska Family Outstanding Teaching Award in 2021.

Her area of expertise is consumer financial well-being, focusing on three streams of research: 1) understanding how couples make financial decisions, 2) motivating individual consumers to make more fiscally responsible decisions, and 3) illuminating how people can maximize the happiness and enjoyment they derive from various consumption experiences. She has published articles in leading journals, such as the Journal of Consumer Research (JCR), the Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), the Journal of Marketing (JM), and the Journal of Consumer Psychology (JCP).

Garbinsky has won several prestigious research awards, including the 2017 BMO Wealth Management Best Paper Award, the 2019 JCP Best Paper Award by an Early Career Contributor, and the 2022 JCP Best Paper Award. In addition, she was selected as a 2021 Marketing Science Institute Young Scholar, an honor intended to identify likely leaders of the next generation of marketing academics, and she received the 2023 Society for Consumer Psychology Early Career Award, given to emerging scholars whose research shows promise in shaping the field of consumer psychology.

Selected Publications

Awards and Honors

  • Young Scholars Program (2021) Marketing Science Institute
  • Best Paper Award by an Early Career Contributor (2020) Journal of Consumer Psychology
  • James Dincolo Outstanding Undergraduate Professor Award (2018) University of Notre Dame
  • BMO Wealth Management Best Paper Award (2017) CFP Academic Research Colloquium

Recent Courses

  • NBA 6620 - Brand Management
  • NCC 5030 - Marketing Management

Academic Degrees

  • PhD Stanford University, 2015
  • BS Carnegie Mellon University, 2010